Jersey Aero Club

Tel: 01534 743990


Tel: 01534 743990

Visiting Pilot / General Aviation Procedures

Visiting GA plots of light aircraft under 3 tonnes are handled by the Jersey Aero Club Flying Desk

Any aircraft over 3 tonnes, helicopters, and any aircraft needing hard standing (as opposed to grass parking) needs to be handled by Gama Aviation who can be contacted at
The Flying Desk is open from 08:00 to 18:00 local time every day except 25 and 26 December and can be contact by emailing or calling +44 1534 743990

Gendec Procedures

In order to operate in and out of Jersey Airport, GA pilots must present their pilots licence, supported by a Government issued ID, which includes a photograph, (i.e. Driving licence or passport, and passengers must also present their government issued ID upon request.

A Jersey Gendec must be completed and sent prior to your flight to Jersey (this includes from other Islands). The form and instructions for use can be found at

Please note that the Jersey Gendec PDF on the government website above will send the Gendec to when you select “Jersey Aero Club” as local agent.  This email now needs to be sent to instead.  We are looking to get that PDF updated, but in the meantime an updated copy of the Gendec for you to update  can be downloaded from F Private Aircraft Customs General Declaration v1.40.pdf

To complete and send the form properly, please download the form to your computer and use Adobe Reader to edit it.  By default the form will open in a browser, and it is not possible to complete in a browser.  It is also not possible to complete the form on an iPad / iPhone.

Please note that all arrivals from outside the Common Travel Area must have a Passport – a national ID card is no longer applicable – more information can be found at 

Opening Hours and Pricing

The Flying Desk is open from 08:00 to 18:00 local every day except Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

Pilots wishing to arrive or depart outside of these opening times must contact the Flying Desk ( in advance to arrange whether handling may be made available at this time.  

For out of hours handling there is an additional charge of £50 per hour or part thereof.

Charges as at 1 January 2025 are shown in the tables below

AIRPORT LANDING FEES Landing Handling Total
Up to 1 tonne
Up to 1.5 tonnes
Up to 2 tonnes
Up to 2.5 tonnes
Up to 3 tonnes
Out of hours GA handling is subject to prior request and availability, and is subject to an additional out of hours excess charge of £50 per hour


Only helicopters MTOW 1400 KG or less may be handled by and park at the Jersey Aero Club.  This needs to be agreed in advance.

Please contact the Flying Desk for more information and approval.

Each landing includes up to 168 hours (7 days) at no additional charge within a 4 week period. For each 24 hours (or part thereof) after this free period, the following charges apply:
Up to 1 tonne
Up to 2 tonnes
Up to 3 tonnes

Pets Travelling to Jersey

Only private aircraft to or from the UK or other Channel Islands may carry pets.

If you are coming from the EU or travelling to the EU you may not carry an animal on a private aircraft.

Please see the website pages for Pet Passport Travel Scheme for full details.


Self Service fuel is available at the Aero Club during daylight hours when the Flying Desk is open

When the Aero Club fuel is unavailable, refuelling can be booked with ATF – see ATF Fuel website for further information


See the About Jersey page for more information on transport options.


See the About Jersey page for more information on accommodation options.

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