Jersey Aero Club

Tel: 01534 743990


Tel: 01534 743990

Customs procedures for Rennes (LFRN) 

The following information was received by email from the Operations team at Rennes ( in October 2022


Please fill the attached form and send it to  french customs :

You may not receive an acknowledgement of receipt. Don’t panic, make sure you keep the proof of sending the form respecting the 24 hours notice on weekdays (48 hours for weekend flights).

Aircrafts with a wingspan of less than 12 meters are accepted on the ACRIV Flying Club parking, without mandatory handling services. In addition, the 100 LL automatic pump is installed there.

You can also send an email to the flying club (ACRIV) as a courtesy to inform them of your visit, they appreciate to be warned in advance :

Finally, landing fees are payable at the information desk in the terminal building, right in front of the air club.

Kind Regards


Click the following link to download the form: DOC-DOUANES-Pr_avis-de-vol-RENNES