Jersey Aero Club

Tel: 01534 743990


Tel: 01534 743990

Wed 22 Sep 7pm – Meet the committee and general club discussion

A chance to meet the committee and discuss what’s been happening since we re-opened, what’s in progress, and any thoughts you may have on how things may be improved The committee really want some feedback on where you feel the club should be going and what can be done to get more member engagement so […]

An evening with Jersey Met – Wed 14 July at 7pm

Members are invited to join us at the club for a talk by Jersey Met. This is an opportunity to get an update on the services they provide before looking at the Channel Islands Aviation Forecast in detail and exploring the following areas of meteorology: The earth’s atmospheric circulations and how these create air masses […]

July 2021 Newsletter Published

The July 2021 Newsletter has now been published and can be accessed from  

Jersey Aero Club Update

The Jersey Aero Club is pleased to announce that flying training and light aircraft handling are now fully open.  This has been achieved with the help of our colleagues at Synergy Aviation and Ports of Jersey. Visiting pilots may now be handled at the Aero Club as part of a joint venture between the Jersey Aero Club […]

June 2021 Newsletter Published

The June 2021 Newsletter has now been published and can be accessed from  

Ab-initio training now approved

We are delighted to announce that the CAA have now provided the necessary approvals for our training partner, Synergy, to commence ab-initio flight training. Please see below a message from Glen Heavens, owner of Synergy Aviation Following a lengthy process with the Authorities we are delighted to announce that we have been granted permission to commence Ab-Initio flight […]

Synergy Flight Training Update – 17 May 2021 7pm

Glen Heavens, owner of Synergy Aviation our new Flight Training partner, will be in the island and will provide an update on Flight Training progress and plans and provide a Q&A session on Monday 17 May 2021 at 7pm in the clubroom

May 2021 Newsletter Published

The April 2021 Newsletter has now been published and can be accessed from