JAC Airside AIC Application Help and FAQ
You must be a current club member and have a current valid Ports of Jersey (POJL) Airport Identification Card (AIC) to get airside access through the AeroClub. If you already hold an current valid POJL AIC sponsored by JAL or Gama then it is possible to use this AIC, but you still need to request access through the club for the club to get the AIC to be added to the door group.
An overview of the process with links to information on each step is outlined below
- Complete the JAC Airside Access Request (only if you don’t currently have airside access)
- Complete the ID Gateway Applicant Initial Data Capture (we will send a link to you)
- Criminal Record Check Can take up to 20 days, so start as soon as possible
- General Security Awareness Training (GSAT)
- 5 Year Continuous Career History
- Security Interview Declaration (this is a form to complete and send in)
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Please use this page to help you then gather all of the information and email to memsec@jerseyaeroclub.com after you have completed the ID Gateway Initial Data Capture. Invitations with links to these will be sent out shortly.
JAC Airside Access Request
The first step in getting airside access through the club is to complete a JAC Airside Access Request. This form gathers the required information including the reason that airside access is required to enable the club to evaluate the request.
Click here to complete the JAC Airside Access Request form
Once this has been reviewed, you will be contacted to complete the process. Detailed information on how to complete the process is contained on this page.
If you hold a current valid appropriate POJL AIC sponsored by another approved organisation and entered the details in the JAC Airside Access Request form, then you will be contacted once your AIC has been added to the door group and no further action is required by you (you can ignore the rest of this page).
ID Gateway Applicant Initial Data Capture
Following your JAC Airside Access Request being approved by the Membership Secretary, you will be setup in the Ports of Jersey AIC Online Portal, ID Gateway, and you will receive an automated email asking you to complete some initial informaton.
You will receive an invoice for £80 for the cost of the issue of the AIC, accreditation check, and GSAT. You will also need to pay for your Criminal Records Check directly with Disclosure Scotland when you apply.
You will need to provide the following information:
- Name and Address
- Must match passport details.
- If you are known by a name other than that on your passport, you must also fill out the “Known by” section with the name you are known by
- Country should be set to “United Kingdom and Crown Dependencies”
- Social Security Number
- Passport
- You will be asked to upload this yourself. Please note that the scan or photo must include both pages of the opened passport in full, and must include all four corners. Failure to show the whole of the double page spread including the four corners will result in the application being rejected
- Proof of address
- This is for the new UK Government Accreditation Check (AC) initiated in 2022. Note that it takes at least 5 days for this process to complete
Once you have completed the information in ID Gateway, please send the following documentation to memsec@jerseyaeroclub.com with the title “AIC documentation”. The documents should be scanned in PDF format or can be a clear photo. Note that these must be in colour For a photo you need to be able to see all four corners of the document being photographed.
Alternatively please drop the documentation into Fatima at the club marked Confidential for the attention of the Membership Secretary and email memsec@jerseyaeroclub.com to let us know that you’ve dropped them in.
Criminal Record Check (CRC)
You need to provide a copy of a CRC dated within the last 10 weeks (at time of pass issue) so we would suggest that it is dated within the last 8 weeks when you send it in. Note that if you have a subscription to a continuous enhanced DBS certificate, then this is also acceptable.
As Jersey is not in the UK, a Disclosure Scotland Basic Disclosure is used as a CRC.
Click here to complete a Basic Disclosure.
Please complete this online as soon as possible as it can take up to 14 calendar days to receive this.
If it refuses to accept Jersey driving license, just enter it without the /
Important note – the scan of the CRC certificate must show the wavy lines on the background of the certificate. If it does not, then take a photo of the CRC certificate showing clearly all the edges and use that.
See FAQ for more information
General Security Awareness Training (GSAT)
You need to take an online GSAT course and then complete an online exam to be issued a GSAT certificate. The training and online exam takes less than 2 hours to complete.
JAC will set you up for the GSAT online training and send you a link once we have received the CRC certificate.
See FAQ for more information
5 Year Continuous Career History
ID Gateway needs evidence of 5 years of continuous career (and/or education) history. Any gaps of more than 28 days also need to be completed. All of the history should be provided in the form of references.
The Reference Details on the background on why this information is required is as follows: “Please enter the career history for [PERSON], accounting for the last 5 years without any unaccounted for gaps of 28 days. This information should be taken from the referencing documentation received to account for his activities and whereabouts during this period.“
The forms on the Ports of Jersey website ID Application page (https://www.jerseyairport.com/doing-business-with-us/security-pass-applications/) provide forms that can be used, however these are much more focussed on employees looking to get an AIC than club members requiring them for an AIC to use for airside access to access their aircraft. We recommend not using a form and simply getting a reference on headed paper showing the dates (and these need to be specific not just month).
This section provides some information on how to achieve this as a club member.
When emailing, writing to, or calling for a reference, explain that you are a member of the AeroClub and need a 5 year continuous history as one of the security requirements for the Ports of Jersey to issue you an airside pass.
- If you are currently Employed
- Get an employment dates reference from your current employer confirming your start date and the end date to “present” and the position held
- If less than 5 years, get employment dates references from previous employers during that period
- If you are self employed or a business owner
- Get a self employed / business owner dates reference from your accountant
- If you were in full time education for any period during the previous 5 years, get a reference with the dates from the educational establishment.
- If you have been retired and receiving a pension, get a letter from Social Security confirming when you started taking your pension. You can call them or email them to request this using contact details in this link
- If you are a mix of the above (ie you were employed for 2 years then self employed for 3 years) provide appropriate references for each timescale covering the previous 5 years.
If none of the above seem to work for your specific situation, and there is nothing in our FAQ section that helps, then please contact memsec@jerseyaeroclub.com to discuss how best to cover off this requirement and we can liaise with the Ports of Jersey ID department.
Important note – if using the form from the ports of jersey website then ensure a business card or compliments slip with company logos is included in the scan. If a letter confirming dates from your employer then just ensure on headed paper.
Please note that in future renewals every 5 years, this process will be simplified if you have maintained both your membership and your AIC as the club are then able to act as a ‘referee’ for your AIC renewal.
Security Interview Declaration
Please download and complete the Ports of Jersey Security Interview and Application Declaration available from https://www.jerseyairport.com/doing-business-with-us/security-pass-applications/
Before completing the declaration, download and/or read the Security Pass Briefing Notes on the same page as you need to declare that you have received a copy of this.
Ensure you complete the following fields correctly:
- Applicant Name: the name as it appears in your passport
- Company Name: set to “Jersey Aero Club”
- Applicants Signature
- Date
The document was written with the idea that you were employed by the airport or by somebody where you needed to work at the airport. Where you see this context, for the purpose of your AIC application, please view it as you being a member of the Jersey Aero Club as opposed to an employee of a company.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
You must be 16 years of age to get be issued an Airport Identification Card (AIC).
If you have a POJL AIC issued by JAL or Gama, just complete the JAC airside access request providing your AIC number and expiry date and we can add that AIC to the door group on the JAC airside door.
Your basic disclosure has to be within 10 weeks of the date of issue of the AIC, so ensure there is at least 2 weeks left on it when you send it in.
Yes it can. Please provide this in PDF format.
If you are an airline pilot or hold another job that provides an AIC/CIC for which you need a GSAT, you may use this for your JAC Sponsored AIC application.
GSATs are valid for 5 years, and an AIC holder must hold a valid GSAT for the duration of any AIC/CIC. We require a copy of that GSAT certificate, and when you renew your GSAT as part of renewing you AIC/CIC with your employer, we will need a copy of that.
Please send in a scan of your GSAT ensuring that all four corners are showing.
As a POJL employee you will have been issued your AIC specifically for the purposes of carrying our your work duties and POJL have advised that the use of that pass for other reasons (such as accessing your aircraft) is regarded as an abuse of the card.
However, you may use your CRC (if issued within the past 10 weeks) of your GSAT certificate as part of the application for a JAC sponsored AIC.
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