Jersey Aero Club

Tel: 01534 743990


Tel: 01534 743990



A variety of social and aviation related events are arranged each year for members of the Jersey Aero Club. These include talks and presentations on aviation subjects as well as flying trips and assistance with the flying training programmes.

Flight training and aircraft rental is provided by our flight training partner, Skywalker Flight Training Aviation.

Should you wish to upgrade to Flying Membership, please contact

The Annual Subscription Fees are as follows

Membership Price
Ordinary (Joint)
Retired - only available for renewals of existing members
Retired (Joint) - only available for renewal of existing members)
Overseas - residing permanently outside the island
Overseas (Joint) - residing permanently outside the island
Young Persons (full time student under the age of 21)
Flying - includes Ordinary membership plus membership of flight training organisation
Flying (Joint) - includes Ordinary membership plus membership of flight training organisation
Flying (day) - not available online at this time
Social (Joint)

Note that ‘Full Membership’ has been renamed to ‘Ordinary Membership’ to avoid confusion with new ‘Flying Membership’.

Jersey Aero Club is using Membermojo to manage and administer all memberhip related processes online, and members now have the ability to manage their personal data themselves by editing their profile as required – see for more information.

All members have the ability to manage their personal data themselves by editing their profile as required, and it is the responsibility of the member to keep their information up to date.

New members can join at

Existing members can login and manage their details and renew at

Memberships renew annually on 1 February – new members who join in the last 6 months of the year will receive 50% discount on the membership for the remainder of the year until renewal. Additionally, if you join in January your membership will run to the February of the following year.

New member applications are reviewed by the committee before your membership is confirmed. This normally should not take very long, and you will be provided automated email updates on the process and you will be prompted to pay your subscription when the membership has been approved by the committee.

You must have the names of two existing members to act as proposer and seconder, so please complete them here. If you’re new to the club and don’t know any current members, please send a note to and we’ll look to help you with some introductions.

Applicants are advised that all information collected by the Jersey Aero Club is held in accordance with relevant Jersey Data Protection Laws and will be used for processing and maintaining applicants’ membership. Information contained within the Jersey Aero Club database will only be divulged to another party in the event that a) you ask us to, b) we need to do so for processing and administering membership or managing the club’s affairs, or c) where we are placed under a legal or regulatory obligation to do so.

For further details on any aspect of membership please contact

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