Jersey Aero Club

Tel: 01534 743990


Tel: 01534 743990


Self Service AVGAS

Fuel Bowser

Self Service AVGAS is now available at the Club. It is a locked facility with the key available at the Flying Desk along with the instructions for use.






Prices per litre as at 1st March 2025 (incl GST).

Links to the Operational and Emergency Procedures can be found below.  Copies of these documents are also held at the Flying Desk.  Anyone using the bowser must sign to say they have read and will comply with the documentation, each time they refuel.

Frequently asked questions

When is the bowser available for use?

The bowser is only available when the Flying Desk is operationally manned, during daylight hours.

How is the quality of the fuel maintained

Fuel in the bowser is tested and quality checked daily by ATF Fuels.  Operations do not commence on the bowser until ATF issue an affirmative pass on the quality standard. 

All aviation fuel is provided by ATF Fuels at Jersey Airport.  AVGASS 100LL is supplied in accordance of the ASTM D910 (Aviation Gasoline) and DEF-STAN 91-90.


Can I obtain AVGAS fuel out of hours?

If AVGAS is required outside of operational availability, or if the bowser is unavailable due to technical issues, AVGAS can be requested from ATF  at stand 20 by contacting ATC.

What payment methods are accepted for fuel?

Fuel payment can be accepted using Credit Cards, Debit Cards or a Skywalker Fuel Account.

Can I queue behind aircraft occupying the pad?

Queuing is prohibited as is obstructing the Apron or Taxiways.  The refuelling pad must be unoccupied and you must have obtained the key from the Flying Desk, prior to manoeuvring  your aircraft onto the refuelling pad.

How long is the refuelling hose?

The refuelling hose is 14m in length when fully extended.

What is the best way to manoeuvre to the fuel facility

Below is the preferred manoeuvring for aircraft using the refuelling facility.
•  The refuelling bowser is depicted by the RED area.
•  The matted areas is depicted by the GREEN area
•  The YELLOW lines and arrows depict the direction of aircraft using the facility

•  Port wingtip should point towards the bowser
•  The refuelling hose is 14 meters
•  Aircraft may position to bowser from
               – Grass parking
               – JAC Apron
               – After landing (with prior permission only)


Do you have any training materials?

The link below provides details of the refuelling facility

Aeroclub Fuelling Presentation-v2.pdf

How do I record my fuel uplift?

When you are issued with the key from the Flying Desk,  you will also be provided with a laminated form and pen to record your uplift.

Can I use my ATF account for JAC Fuel?

You cannot use ATF or any fuel accounts, other than a SkyWalker fuel account, at this time.  Credit and Debit cards are accepted.

Can I use stand 20 instead of the JAC Fuel facility?

Stand 20 is still available for out of hours service and is also available if for any reason fuel is unavailable due to a technical issue. 

At all other times it is preferred that visiting GA and Aero Club members make use of the bowser facility.

I am a rotary wing aircraft, can I use JAC bowser for refuelling?

No.  Refuelling via the JAC bowser is only available to fixed wing aircraft.  Rotary wing aircraft must continue to make of the ATF facility upon request to ATC.

Who can I contact if I have any questions regarding refuelling at Jersey Aero Club?

Please email or telephone the Flying Desk on +44 (0) 1534 743990

Are there any discounts for uplifiting fuel from this facility?

Members of AOPA who show proof of membership are entitled to receive the AOPA  member price for AVGAS.  This equates to a 5% discount.

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